
Principal Investigator
beliveau [a t] uw.edu
I began my training as an undergraduate and masters' student in the lab of Brendan Cormack at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where I worked on developing a transposon-mutagenesis strategy for introducing epitope tags into the internal sequences of proteins. I then joined the BBS PhD program at Harvard Medical School, where I performed my dissertation research under the guidance of Ting Wu​. In Ting's lab, I developed the Oligopaint FISH technology with Eric Joyce and began using super-resolution microscopy. After graduating, I moved across the street to do my postdoc with Peng Yin at the Wyss Institute. As a Damon Runyon fellow in the Yin lab, I developed new computational and imaging tools to help researchers investigate nuclear organization and gene expression. The Beliveau Lab opened in the University of Washington's Department of Genome Sciences in September 2018.